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Can you clarify how's this different from visiting https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion and entering the corresponding prompt (like "fantasy landscape")?

Or even better running stable diffusion locally?

Incredibly simple.

Huggingface can't effectively build a consumer product. They're building for B2B to be a github for models.

Huggingface explicitly rejected building B2C tools.

That huggingface UI will forever remain unfriendly and unable to scale.

I can't edit after three hours, but I figured I'd add a new thought.

B2C / creator tools are going to start disrupting businesses and B2B. I'm actually extremely bullish on B2C/tools now more than ever.

I'm guessing it applies human cognition to the task of understanding what people want when they say "fantasy landscape" using human heuristics and pre-alters your prompt to get you a closer result to your imagination than that simple keyword.

Phantasmagoria is a consumer product, geared towards people who don't want to know anything about what a prompt or a sampler is. It's the difference between Dropbox and using SVN or CVS on a curlftpfs-mounted FTP account.

This one too, without signing up being required: https://replicate.com/tommoore515/material_stable_diffusion

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