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a) keep doing it b) try to do work in different languages in blocks, and don't switch in between all the time c) keep doing it d) nobody wants to hear that, but .. keep doing it.

I program in more languages that I care to enumerate and some are just so in-grained in me that I don't make mistakes with 'close' naming. I'd be more efficient in a single language if I only programmed in that, true, but I think I'm more efficient overall because I bring a wide variety of solution sketches with me that can be applied depending on scope and primary, secondary, tertiary (and more) concerns. Once you have the first half-dozen to dozen languages under your belt, ideally with different paradigma (OO, FP, logic, old-school structural/procedural, bare-metal, VM/script) the next dozen dozen will be a piece of cake and your biggest problem is the warm-up of the language keyword and stdlib name cache. Hence b), above.

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