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These stories are terribly sad, and no doubt life-altering for the family members losing their loved ones.

At the same time, these articles lamenting that "everyone has just gone back to normal" — what do they think we should be doing instead?

> [Dr. Thomas Yadegar] lamented that other people had become “complacent” and unwilling to take simple steps such as wearing a mask indoors to protect those at highest risk. > > “We’ve sacrificed the lives of our most vulnerable for our own convenience,” Yadegar said. “The elderly, the immunocompromised, and the unvaccinated or under-vaccinated — they are the ones that account for the vast majority of deaths due to COVID-19.” As hundreds perish daily, “thousands more are left behind, tormented by the loss.”

Masking is laughably less effective than vaccination, so outside of situations where someone can't be vaccinated, (like say, if I'm going into an assisted care facility or something) why are we bothering with this? I just don't get it.

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