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Queen’s Funeral security plan is more complex than the London 2012 Olympics (wired.com)
12 points by Brajeshwar on Sept 18, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

One would hope so. The London Olympic security plan was essentially to delegate it all to the lowest bidder. Shockingly, the lowest bidders were incompetent fools and they had to replace them with a hastily assembled army team at the last minute.

A lot of world leaders will be in that church/abbey. If someone deranged thinks getting rid of them could solve some of the world's problems, a reenactment of the Game of Thrones sept explosion[1] would be doing it in style.

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHYL-uiLJ14 Spoilers, I guess

'Overall, the UK has 6,192 armed police officers ... that’s 4.3 percent of the country’s total 142,526 police.'

I truly wonder how much raw data GCHQ will receive and how they even remotely attempt to sort through it, plus all the myriad sources of information to integrate into intelligence reports. What an interesting challenge.

Imagine just trying to mourn your mother but it's a giant media circus event

Eh, the King could always have moved his proclamations back, and pushed the funeral forward. Let's not pretend he's powerless. He's quite the opposite.

The late Queen had four children, eight grand-children, and sixteen great-grandchildren. Plus, the proclamations are only a small part of what's happened over the last ten days.

That, and you are king now.

That, and barely anyone likes the fact that you're king now.

"I am your king!"

"Well I didn't vote for you!"

I didn't vote for the PM either, just 0.3% of UK adults voted, and less than 0.2% voted for the PM

Only those in the party that form the government vote for PM (depending on the rules of the party). The stats you've chosen have as much relevance as pointing out how many non-Americans vote for the US president.

That's the whole point -- this is for the peasants.

Oh boo hoo for him.

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