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Parse is hiring engineers to make mobile development easy
on Nov 18, 2011 | hide
Parse is creating a layer of services to help mobile developers quickly and easily get their apps up and running.

We've signed up over 4000 developers and have dozens of production apps in the store running on Parse. TechCrunch, GigaOM, ReadWriteWeb, and VentureBeat have written about us and developer feedback has been stellar.

Based in the heart of San Francisco, we offer significant equity, market salary, fully covered health insurance, and your choice of equipment. The cofounders all have technical backgrounds and prior experience with successful startups. We are well funded.

We mostly work in Ruby, Objective-C, and Java, but we’re happy if you pick these up on the job. Parse is just starting out so there are plenty of great problems to work on.

If this piques your interest please get in touch via jobs@parse.com .

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