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It is interesting to note how Climbing and Sailing use different knots because each sport has different priorities or different threat models.

When it comes to knot strength (how much the knot reduces the rope's breaking strength), they are quite similar, both sports seek strong knots after all both sports can apply quite strong forces on the rope, so better not to weaken it.

But when it comes to knot security (how easily the knot fails to hold) they go to very different strategies. Sailing knots mostly seek a balance between good-enough security and practicality, mostly knots that one can still easily undo even after it was tightened by a very strong load on the rope. While climbing knots seek top security above all, even if they can be a pain in the ass sometimes to undo.

gyms only force the figure height because people are less likely to screw it up and it's easy to check for far away if it was done correctly

Outside climbers and rope-access often use other alternatives like the figure-nine or double bowline that are easier to untie

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