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My first car was a manual transmission and I loved it. I have not had one since, but I sure would like one again. You really do get a feel of the car. You can shift when you want to, which sometimes makes a difference. I had that car when I moved to San Francisco. San Francisco. With it's steep hills.

I remember once, the first time, I drove up a steep hill and there was a stop sign at the top, but the stop sign was not where the car was level, so I was stopped with my car pointing up at a very steep angle. And what do you think happened next? Another car came up behind me, and was right up on my ass, no room at all.

So when it came time to let out the clutch and go forward, I was TERRIFIED that I would miss the timing and go backwards into the car behind me. Luckily it turned out ok and I didn't mess up, but I was sweating it. It was somewhere in Pacific Heights, maybe Pierce and Jackson intersection. I don't remember, but it was very steep for a manual transmission. Actually, I just looked at them in a Google street view, those hills don't look seem very steep at all...now, after I lived there a long time. But this was when I first moved there, and they were pretty damn steep in comparison from where I moved there from.

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