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My wife and I learned on manuals and thought it would be fun to return to one for our car, back in 2013. Well, it was fun for a few years, but then I switched jobs, and my daily commute had regular bumper to bumper traffic. That sucked the fun right out of it.

Also, as an automatic driver it is mildly annoying to be behind a manual driver at the lights and have to wait for them to get into gear and take off, or to roll back and forwards in anticipation of the lights changing and get uncomfortably close to your bumper... I have no hatred for manual transmission but I will be mildly relieved when the majority of them are off the road.

Some automatics have that issue as well, due to the "stop/start engine" (alleged) feature that is common on modern vehicles with strong focus on fuel economy. I drove one recently as a loan car while mine was in the shop and it was an awful experience... you take your foot off the brakes, and then half a second to a whole second later the engine finally turns over and you lurch into motion.

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