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This is just technological progress, right..?

With the centrally heated house rising, so we forgot the skill (and pleasure) to heat your house with a fire (coal, wood). We buy fully-prepared meals in the supermarket - no longer willing to go to three or four separate shops to buy the ingredients and spend time at home putting them together. Even bread-making at home has been replaced by a machine that does it for you.

Technology takes over, and there are always people that think this is a bad thing. But it's of all times and started before our ancestors decided to walk upright...

The skill and pleasure of heating your house with coal? The house my mother grew up in had a coal furnace in it through sometime in the 1960s, and on cold mornings somebody had to be the first out of bed to get the furnace going. I don't know who that person was--probably an uncle--but I doubt he missed the chance to exercise the skill.

At the end of the day people want transportation, they want meals, perhaps fresh bread. How they are provided is an implementation detail.

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