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The "meander" from A Soft Murmur and/or "animate" from MyNoise are kinda the starting point, but I'd like something that is a bit more scripted. So, for the thunderstorm example, it would loop a drizzle for some randomized amount of time (or better, a random mix of drizzle tracks), then transition into the "violent thunderstorm" mix, then maybe switch over to a calm night mix, all over the course of a few hours. The logical extreme of this might even integrate time of day for an alarm clock, for example.

The interface I'm imagining is something like a playlist interface but instead of just tracks it has composable "sound elements". A single track might be a basic sound element, a traditional one-after-another track list is another sound element, then we get the interesting ones like a random crossfade mix of elements, or a one-after-another with randomized loop times for each track.

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