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This is a great and a just decision, but it seems like the damages are a far cry from the $150 million claimed. Were there any sentence limits for the charges against this guy?

Still a crazy amount....

Relative to what? The point of a punishment is to dissuade similar actions in the future. This amounts to nothing more than a slap on the wrist, and is not appropriate for the gravity of the crime.

They give smaller fines to mega corps for things that affect a lot more people.... I don't think 4 million is a slap on the wrist for an individual.

This “individual” has a net worth of over a $100 million so yeah a $4 million judgement is a slap on the wrist.

I've seen other sources saying $45m: https://www.npr.org/2022/08/05/1116099506/alex-jones-infowar... ...

But why do they listen to him?

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