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Microsoft unveils sneak peak at Windows 12 (lunduke.substack.com)
4 points by claudiojulio on Aug 4, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

groundbreaking, experimental file manager — code named “Dolphin”

Seems unlikely no one bothered to do a Google, Duck Duck, or even Bing search for "Dolphin file manager".

Google is Microsoft's enemy. He will always try to defame her and deny her.

Oh look no ads in the launcher! How novel! Good job MS!

Incredible! I think I will switch to Windows when version 12 is released. The Linux folks have to admit they lost. And lost badly!

Automatically translated.

I bought my Windows 10 computer last year and I will use it until its performance becomes unacceptable.

Calm. With this Windows 12 your laptop will fly!

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