Hey, hustlers!
I thought that all it would take was some determination, some hustle, and a few sacrifices, and then boom—I'd be free.
But as I've learned over the years doing this stuff full time, it's not that simple. There are so many factors that come into play when deciding whether or not to quit your job and focus on your hustle full-time.
If you're in the SaaS world, it can be easy to get comfortable with your existing work/life balance.
But at what point do you start to wonder: "is this really where I want to be?"
Free from what?
I'm 4 years into being "free" from a corporate job but this was just a trade off. Here are the tradeoffs from going corporate to solo:
1) Instead of everyone telling me exactly what they want from me; no-one can tell me what they need.
2) I have no deadlines. Anything and everything can drag on for as long as I fuck around with no end in sight, or have to step up and deliver.
3) I have no co-workers to talk to during the work day, or to ask for help from.
4) I have no office away from home, unless I go sign a contract and pay for it.
5) There are no guaranteed paychecks, ever. The sky is the limit with how much I can earn, but the bigger the paycheck usually means the longer the wait until the next one.
6) There is no guarantee of success. And even if there are snapshots of success; I can guarantee it wont stay that way forever.
So going back to your tell... Be careful what you wish for, and be very clear on what you are trying to free yourself from. Maybe look at it as what you are getting yourself into instead of what you are running from.
From the hustle scene: success can only be built on top of a mountain of failures. If you feel uncomfortable at your job then it's normal to think the grass is greener elsewhere. Maybe your job sucks and you do need to change it up, but unless you're a masochist stay away from going solo.