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The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ.

In the Bible, Christ said he would visit his (maybe inexact, from memory) "...other sheep, which are not of this fold. Them also I must bring, and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd." (In John, I think?) The Book of Mormon tells of Christ's visit to the ancient Americas, after his resurrection, where he taught them things like he taught in the Near East. It also contains teachings of ancient prophets, like the Bible does.

Along with the Bible, its teachings are amazing to me, in their ongoing ability to help me want to be a better person, and to bring peace and direction, amid hard events. (And its confirmation that Christ's resurrection is real, therefore we will all live again, with justice and the opportunity for honest mercy.)

(ps: thoughtful comments appreciated with any downvotes.)

(pps: fun note, I have read it in English, Spanish, Esperanto (such as there is), and over 1/2-way now in Russian. Something like 115 translations exist, per wikipedia, with more on the way. Looks like several chapters even in Klingon.)

I thank you for your comment and sharing an interesting perspective that is far removed from my own (as someone who is not religious but knows about other parts of the Christian faith)

Since I am unable to reply to the other flagged/dead comments, I'll add here that the book itself (in the intro. materials and the last chapter) says how one can determine for oneself if it is, in fact, what it says it is, and receive an answer from God. Thus the question becomes not a matter to debate harshly (which has been done enough already), but one of individual knowledge and conscience. I can't prove it to someone else, but it has been satisfactorily proven to me, about which I have written elsewhere at some length.

You're welcome. (And thanks for the kind words.)


I find it terribly funny that just the next entry on your comment page is "Sounds like you've an abrasive personality. With emotional intelligence as lacking as yours […]". :-)

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