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> Big Bad John is a strawman, because if Big Bad John was abusing his children or beating his wife, I wouldn't confront him either. I'd call the police. It doesn't reflect at all the legitimacy or illegitimacy of the criticism. Also, we should probably get over that pretense that anonymity ends brutal criticism. Plenty of people are happy to sign pretty brutal criticism, or even to make a brand out of it. The thing that it's easy to do is to attack "haters" or "cynics" because they don't really exist. They're what happens when people define other people's motivations by the effect on them personally. Somebody hates me? They're a "hater." Somebody says that something I think will work will definitely not work? They're a "cynic" that doesn't believe anything can improve and hate people who have retained the ability to dream. The same people leaving comments on this game encouraging the designers to kill themselves will agree completely with this reasoning, because it has very little content.

So ... besides telling me what's wrong with what I said, I don't see much positive stuff, there, so I assume that what I said is completely worthless, since I was basically saying "I've tried negative, so now, I try positive." I didn't even phrase it in a way that tells others to do it (I've learned to avoid "you" a lot).

That's OK. I'll keep doing it, anyway. I'm stupid, that way.

BTW: I know a whole bunch of folks, IRL, that have ... let's say ... a checkered past ... Probably not ones I'd want to walk up and insult, but hey, if that's what you want to do, for kicks, knock yourself out. Nah ... scratch that. It will likely be done for you (but maybe not. Their "checkers" are in the past. That's kind of the point of it all) ...

It's been a great help, in managing my mouth (and Lord knows, I need all the help I can get, in that department).

If you are US-based, have a great long weekend. Dogs hate this weekend.

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