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"People who consume games" and "Gamers" are not necessarily the same group though? Just as the two groups of "people who have read a book" and "people who consider themselves A Reader of Books" both exist. The fact that there is a broader category doesn't make the narrower one useless.

From my personal experiences absolutely there is a group of people you could reasonably call "Gamers" and performing dramatic consumer entitlement is definitely part of their culture!

>"People who consume games" and "Gamers" are not necessarily the same group though?

How do you know if someone posting a random nasty comment on the internet is a "Gamer"? How do you know if someone posting a nice comment is not?

You're projecting identity on people and then project attributes onto that identity. Most likely you're unconsciously selecting who to project the identity onto based on the same attributes. This creates a feedback loop. This is literally how stereotypes are constructed and reinforced.

It would be better to talk about the posting itself. Game post culture seems angrier than book review culture even if the community overlaps. I think this is what is meant when people talk about "gamers".

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