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Something I’ve increasingly felt is that nobody should feel like they’re under any obligation to read comments on what they do or replies to what they say. In the days before the internet the options for direct feedback to an author or creator were limited and often the author or creator could or would just ignore them. It was considered a good idea! Now people have things like forums for their games or comments on their articles and for some reason I don’t understand feel compelled to engage with them. They shouldn’t. It’s okay to just make what you want to make or write what you want to write and ignore any and all response to it. If your works are valuable and enjoyed then great, if not so be it. But subjecting yourself to the most obsessive and neurotic segment of your audience is just a recipe for misery. There’s little to no benefit to it. You don’t owe anything to anyone.

I agree. People who have a gripe or criticism are more inclined to comment than a person who enjoys the product. It reminds me of the old saying "assholes always advertise." It's best to ignore or take those comments with a grain of salt. However, that's often easier said than done.

Sometimes the criticism is delivered directly to you, in a community you care about.

It's one thing to know that someone on the internet dislikes you. It's another to see someone do it within earshot at your favourite pub.

People on the internet make the sort of quips you'd never make within slapping distance of the subject. They do it where the subject hangs out.

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