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I don’t think that’s true about Civ 6. A lot of people who only ever played Civ 5 might have been “pissed” and didn’t bother to try it, because they didn’t realize that the Civ games change every time, but any actual “series veteran” was fine with it.

Yah that last sentence was a bit of hyperbole and poor word choice. What I meant is that many people who had got into Civ 4 and Civ 5, etc. we're critical of the graphics.

It wasn't as much about change as it was what exactly changed. There seems to be a trend in many games where certain design aspects suck as choosing brighter colors, or a more cartoons style will bring people comparing your game to a mobile game (also happened to a lesser extent with CK3 and certain total war games). While technically Civ6 runs on mobile, it's very much an outlier as far as mobile games go, I wish more mobile ames we're that good.

I'm one of those series veterans who was really put off by Civ VI's design choices. I tried to get into it, and just couldn't. I've heard criticism that the aesthetics should not matter and that getting hung up on such a thing was immature. However, I just could not get past the dissonance of the cartoony style and how busy the UI was. Put simply, I found the game to be ugly.

I feel like large percentage of game enjoyment comes from enjoyable UI. You have to feel right when you are operating a game.

Obligatory mention of the FMV "advisors" of Civ 2, including a roman "cool dude" with sunglasses.


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