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year platform title sales

2002 GC Wind Waker 4,430,000

2013 Wii U The Wind Waker HD 2,310,000

2006 Wii/GC Twilight Princess 8,850,000

2016 Wii U Twilight Princess HD 1,130,000

Twilight princess is still more popular if you look at sales.

Your list shows Wind Waker selling twice as many units when released on the same platform as Twilight Princess. There are confounding factors here (the Wind Waker re-release may have had a larger "missed it the first time" audience, and there were probably fewer active Wii U users in 2016 than 2013) but it's the closest thing to an apples to apples comparison here.

So what? Zelda is a system seller. When Wind Waker came out, people hated it, sales for twilight princess show people at the time DID want a realistic zelda. Even Miyamoto didn't care for the Wind Waker Style.

It looks like people are trying to say the Zelda Effect is something it's not.

Wind Waker isn't more beloved then any other. In fact at best, it's par for the course. However, most fans prefer a more realistic Link, it's clear from looking at extended media like fanart, smash brother( toon link is a different character), even many Nintendo developers say the same in interviews.

The Zelda Effect isnt a thing.

Another big confounder is that the WiiU won't play gamecube games, but it will play Wii games, so someone who wanted to play Wind Waker and has a WiiU needs to buy the WiiU version, but someone with a WiiU and wants to play Twilight Princess can buy the Wii version or the WiiU version.

I don't see how this contradicts what I'm saying: it sold more because it had a (significantly) larger user base to sell to in the first place.

If Twilight Princess is so much more popular, why did its HD remake sell less than half of Wind Waker's?

Because most people who wanted to play it, already played it.

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