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My comments have been mainly to address the nature of the conversation here and to provide some balance. Specifically, most readers of HN are not deeply steeped in the nature of issues, and the overly broad language in some of the comments can easily give the wrong impression.

It is easy to pick a subset of bugs and weave a particular narrative. You have filed several issues, many of which are still open, and many have been addressed. Thousands of bugs are fixed for every release, including many you have filed - and Julia is better as a result.

Should Julia be better tested, yes it should be. Should we have better tooling, of course we should. Can the triage process be improved, yes. Should code coverage get to 100% - it has steadily increased over time. None of Julia's dependent libraries have 100% code coverage. Many of those projects are even larger than Julia itself. Can every possible bug identified be fixed - we would like to - but eventually there is limited developer time and everything has to be prioritized.

I will once again mention that the triage process is not a secret process. I welcome you to join some of the triage calls to give higher visibility to issues that you feel should be fixed (but are unable to provide PRs yourself for).

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