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This opinion gets at the heart of the reason to use type languages or not. After all, what is a dict but an untyped struct?

Untyped languages are excellent for smaller code bases because they are more comfortable to program in and faster and more general. Types of polymorphism possible in these languages are simply not possible or much harder in typed languages. Also, as others have said, the problem domain may not be as explored yet.

Typed languages really start to shine as a code base gets huge. In these instances well maintained untyped language code bases start collapsing under the weight of their own unit tests, while moderately well or poorly well maintained instances of untyped language code bases become a mess. Mostly this is due to difficulties in communication when the code base gets worked on by so many people that it's hard for them all to communicate with each other. In these cases a typed language keeps everyone on the same page to some extent.

Both camps will hate me for saying this I think, but it's what I've observed over the years.

It also may sound like I prefer typed languages, but in fact my favorite languages to work in are Clojure and Python. My code bases as a DevOps engineer rarely pass the 10,000 line mark and never pass 100,000 line mark. It's much more comfortable for me in these untyped languages.

Untyped languages also really shine in microservices for the same reason.

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