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It was bulshit not because it was a different opinion but because it was a very poor argument! An embryo is incapable of surviving outside of the womb! A fetus might if it’s old enough! Nobody anywhere perform abortions at a stage where the fetus could survive without the mother in an nicu!

An embryo I agree cannot survive out of the womb, but what an embryo is, is a stage of human life. It’s still a human. Let’s not start trying to decide who is human enough to live.

In Colorado you can get an abortion up to 9 months. There’s legislation trying to pass abortion allowance up to the moment of birth, and some have been recently successful in passing. Many states in the US allow abortions in 2nd trimester which is where a baby can survive outside the womb in a NICU.

> Let’s not start trying to decide who is human enough to live.

But you are already doing that stating that abortion should be illegal altogether! You just set the threshold very early on!

That makes no sense.

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