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When someone complains about politics infiltrating a space but is unwilling to name the specific politics, suggesting it's a general principle, they very likely have a problem with the specific politics. They see social costs in voicing that opinion, so they generalize it to some principle.

Hard to imagine a minor annoyance of logo design would otherwise justify a public post. Living in a pluralistic, multi-cultural society doesn't mean excluding politics from the public sphere. It means tolerating politics in the public sphere, especially if you're ambivalent or even a little annoyed by those politics.

In this example, if it's pride symbols or the Ukrainian flag, or something else -- those will stop being political once the rights are so normalized and obvious, they no longer elicit reactions like this.

I think it’s actually possible to be against virtue signaling in and of itself.

Changing your profile picture to “support” some cause has been ridiculed for years. Starving children don’t care what color your profile picture is, and it’s hypocritical to say you're a supporter when changing your profile picture is the most you’re actually willing to do, even if you have the means to give a dollar, or 5 minutes of your time, you choose not to. It’s hypocritical, and pretty selfish imo.

Or the idea that we all need to public state our beliefs at all times and ideologically walk around with flags on our forehead of every cause we are for. App Icons are in support of the idea that we all need to public state our beliefs at all times. There’s been growing backlash against that. I think people find it annoying anti social behavior.

Anti Virtue signaling as a topic has been growing tremendously over the past 10 years.

Anti Virtue signaling as a topic has been growing tremendously over the past 10 years

It's definitely been growing as a dog-whistling tactic. It's not like people don't notice that those who complain about "virtue signaling" tend to be very particular about what virtues they hate anyone supporting.

Do you really think the reaction would be the same if instead they kept the neutral icon but donated a percentage of app fees to charities directly supporting the cause?

I genuinely think more people would be fine with that for the sorts of causes that come to mind.

I think people respect action but find virtue signalling without action annoying.

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