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Yup - private companies/app makers can do as they please. You consented to them doing as they wish.

The choice is simple, if you don't like it, just stop using the app. There are probably tons of alternatives.

> private companies/app makers can do as they please. You consented to them doing as they wish

However, there is a license, and this goes both ways.

Or would you consent to the statement, "Yup, users are private individuals and can pirate software as they please. The developer has consented to this by publishing the software."?

We here at Union Busting Inc. approve this message. Pound sand! ;P

Sure, so let’s just not give feedback on apps ever again, because the same big companies we demonize at every turn for being advantageous capitalists can do whatever they want - courtesy of ToC and other such legalese. Pack it in, folks!

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