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looks very strong too. github issue is the top results also. would love to hear what you think. we're focused especially on developers.

I like the UX, but the results are full of content farms and weird ranking for the query "golang parser" (https://you.com/search?q=golang+parser). OTOH it is much faster than kagi.

First result is good: pkg.go.dev/go/parser

Second result looks like a content farm: golangdocs.com/golang-parser-package

Third result looks like a valid Chinese search result, but it's a duplicate of the first result and also _very_ weird that it would rank that highly: golang.cm/pkg/go_parser.htm

Then the next two results are content farms: golangexample.com/tag/parser/ golangexample.com/a-dead-simple-parser-package-for-go/

Then a valid result from a low-starred GH project: github.com/prataprc/goparsec

Then a good result: blog.gopheracademy.com/advent-2014/parsers-lexers/

Then a random seemingly unrelated academic paper: www.arxiv.org/abs/1505.08075

Then a valid result from a high-starred GH project: github.com/alecthomas/participle

Then another content farm: awesomeopensource.com/projects/golang/parser

kagi also has a bunch of the content farms, but the ranking is better IMO. Good luck!

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