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> Their reported beta-testers usage is 30 / day. At their current expense level, that would be $116.25 / mo.

30 searches/day comes to around $11/mo. We expect the quantity of usage will drop with time because

a) we make a better product that helps you find stuff more quickly (so quality of usage goes up)

b) lot of users are still searching more then normal because of novelty of product, testing etc.

Of course we could be wrong :)

Oh. Thank you for correcting me; I made an order of magnitude error!

Under this angle, the operation looks rather promising, because with scale and operation experience the per-search cost is likely to go down.

Good search, OTOH, may make you search more, due to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jevons_paradox

I am one of the "more than 30 searches per day" beta users.

I just saw this looked at the 10$/mo price tag, gulped, then considered just how much better it makes my life compared to the google results, and paid up.

I wish the team best of luck and want to thank you for already having saved me tons of time and nerves!

I would think that as you grow, economies of scale will kick in and the cost per search should go way, way down.

The index cost is flat per search so with higher adoption it should come down (right?).

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