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They can but a paid search engine is doomed to fail.

5 years ago I would agree, however we now have.

- Technology which can extract frightening amounts of information from search history, location data, and other data sources. It's not 2012 anymore when a google or FB ui just showing the places you had been was enough to get me to give over that kind of data.

- Ad based search engines literally filling the search page with ads.

- SEO spam so severe that the non-ads are generally terrible pages anyway.

Given all of this, and a young daughter who will be browsing the internet in another year or two - I'd be willing to pay for a search engine.

> Given all of this, and a young daughter who will be browsing the internet in another year or two - I'd be willing to pay for a search engine.

Thanks for saying this, it is not been discussed enough. The main reason I started Kagi was exactly to protect my own kids from being exposed to ads and tracking from the very young age.

This is a random place to throw this at you, but you seem like you have a) the skills and b) and the motivation.

The internet needs an “allowlist” front end for kids, especially for video platforms.

I would pay $20/month for a family subscription to a front end app for Netflix and YouTube that lets me allowlist shows and channels, and never lets Netflix or Youtube AI choose what to show my kids next.

Netflix in particular is extremely subversive. I have seen it stop a show mid-episode to suggest a new show to my 6yo - which is clearly aimed at slightly more mature audiences, and is therefore more exciting/scary for my daughter.

The AI is constantly pushing her toward more mature content even if she doesn’t choose it. And there is NO WAY to stop it other than just get rid of Netflix entirely, but they also have by far the best content for kids.

Anyway, a browser with proper kids controls, good UX for the parents, and especially the ability to filter/block the closed video platforms, would be huge.

This is borderline paranoia.

If you want a more "private" experience, just use an Apple device and search through safari and enable parental controls. Or if you're an Android user, just don't create a google account.

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