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Kagi's quite good for general purpose searches, but there's a number of specific queries where it falls down: timezones ("9AM SF in Tokyo") and currency conversions ("100000 JPY in USD") are two big ones for me.

It would be great if Kagi could open source the engine that powers these queries, so people could contribute their own features.

We plan to do exactly that. Our constraint is not the lack of vision but the lack of resources. Opening widgets API to users would be a great thing to scale this effort (provided there are enough users to build them).

My only question — do you censor based on politics or political correctness?

As per their FAQ, they don't seem to.

But as per searching for "rt.com" it seems they do.

Edit: But as soon as I changed the region to 'International' instead of my own region within the EU, it produced the relevant results.

Or offer a simple way to farm queries like this out to google (until a native solution is available).

You can with the !bang syntax like in ddg, example !g for google (then keep the rest of your query)

That currency conversion query works for me. I've used it a few times the past week.

For some reason it is a hit or miss for me. Sometimes works, sometimes doesn't.

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