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One App in Four Weeks: Week 1 (chriseidhof.tumblr.com)
37 points by chriseidhof on Sept 30, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

While the idea is interesting, the app will have to compete with more general-purpose note-taking apps, e.g. Evernote.

For me, Evernote already provides all the individual pieces (tag by person name, record date, time and location etc.) and also allows to store pictures/audio notes, is multi platform etc. etc.

I use Evernote too for almost all my notes, but I think a very focused app can be a huge win. I did my todo's in Evernote as well, but have now switched back to OmniFocus.

I also began a "develop fast and get something out there" challenge this week. My goal is to get my app launched in 7 days. I'm documenting my progress on my blog: http://jpastika.posterous.com/. I'm not sure I'll have the app out by the 7 day mark, but I should have a functional product. I like your idea and will follow your progress!

Nice Jeremy. What is it you're building?

I came up with a similar idea independently - except it was more of a social game (with foursquare-esque achievements). I envisioned a mechanism for confirmation of the rendezvous whereby both parties run the app and agree the meeting occurred and their proximity is verified. That's about as far as I got.

Edit: looks like with.me did the closest thing to this already.

Yes, that's with.me and hashable, they do something similar. Also Noteleaf does something like that.

Thanks a lot for posting this series Chris. As a young developer just out of college and getting started in iOS development, this is extremely insightful. I'll be following on tumblr. Good luck!

Here's a site which does 31 apps in 31 days: http://www.appsamuck.com/


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