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> Neither incident seems all that impactful, but the Maus incident seems clearly more ignorant and intolerant.

Failing to realize you're kowtowing to political Islam is clearly more ignorant than having completely ordinary attitudes about nudity and profanity in a book meant for 8th graders.

I wouldn't want to have to defend either position, but if you put a gun to my head I'd much rather be the Yale Press person than the one earnestly saying that 13 year olds shouldn't read Maus because of "nudity and profanity".

Maybe it's because I'm Catholic and grew up during the whole "Piss Christ" debacle, and recognize that there's nothing all that unusual about observant religious people being upset by art deliberately meant to provoke them, and thus --- like I said, I dont't think Maus and comic depictions of the Prophet Muhammed are all that comparable.

You've read Maus, right?

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