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>The anti-work movement is goodin the sense that it is waking people up to spending all their lives working for terrible bosses and companies.

It didn't wake anyone up to anything - everyone except perhaps the entitled rich has been perfectly aware of this ever since the days of the Industrial Revolution. Go watch Metropolis, made in 1927, where the plight of the working class is illustrated as oppressed factory workers literally being thrown into the furnace mouth of Moloch.

People don't put up with work because they're blind to its nature, they put up with work because they have no alternative in a purely capitalist system in which survival can only be rented by the labor class, not owned. But what is the anti-work movement's answer to this? Just don't work? That's not feasible for most people.

People are generally told.. go to school, pass exams, go to college, pass exams, get a job, buy a house, etc. I surmise that the anti-work movement has pulled people out of that way of life.

It's not just about not working. It's about entrepreneurship, working for better companies, smaller companies/startups. It's about not getting so far in debt that you're a slave to a megacorp because you need to pay it off.

It's about not over working and burning out.

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