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In the past people would hold themselves to a high standard and celebrate triumph over adversity.

Today people are fetishizing this “neurodivergent” psychosis and it’s downright weird. This person could absolutely sit still if they every bothered to have priorities in their life.

I refuse to respect this weird trend.

I understand your concern. Two things to note though:

1. Who are you to immediately assume that they are lying, as if that's the best explanation? Not every single person who has autism has the ability to completely repress everything about it. To assume otherwise is nothing short of ableism - and I'm not using that word lightly. I absolutely do get the concern though - words DO need meaning.

2. You say "Today people are fetishizing this neurodivergent psychosis" as if this is a recent trend. It's not. At all. Tuberculosis was a disease that was romanticized in the early 19th century, and the obsession with thin & pale bodies in culture is theorized to have originated from this. I'm not gonna claim to be an expert to this however, so if someone reading this knows more about this subject than I do then please chime in.

Could they have sat still? Probably. Were they self aware enough to even realise what they are doing is embarrassing? Almost certainly not.

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