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They don't want to type the letters in the middle, so they dropped them and put a count of how many letters were dropped. I'm mostly familiar with a11y meaning accessibility.

I believe this pattern was originally popularized by "i18n" for "internationalization", partly for convenience and partly to have an identifier that would fit in legacy systems.


According to Tex Texin, the first numeronym of this kind was "S12n", the electronic mail account name given to Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) employee Jan Scherpenhuizen by a system administrator because his surname was too long to be an account name.


Agree that i18n cemented it in the letter count form (homonym form is older, like K9 for canine).

('K9' is homophone for 'canine'. To be homonyms, two terms should have different meaning - if two terms share the same name and meaning, they are the same...)

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