This is running via runserver, right? Don't use this for production.
There are some nice pure-Python web servers though. To someone who knows more about Heroku's stack, if I replace “ runserver” with, say, CherryPy, would there be any Heroku-specific performance issues to consider?
That's really cool, thanks for posting. What's it using to serve the pages though, it looks like the django test server? Btw, not a ror dev (at all) but what does that typically use as a web server and how is heroku doing it? (not apache?)
Question: is this a hack to get some Python on Heroku or is it a valuable potential Django server? When I did Rails work, I loved Heroku. Now that I do Django work, I love ... well ... my own server. I'm sure I should check out the various like-Heroku-but-Django services out there, but I'm used to Heroku. Valuable? Or move along nothing to see here?
Note: I see maaku's note about runserver, but I can hope can't I?
Note 2: as this comment lingers, can anyone recommend a living, non-invite-only Django hosting service?
I've used a couple of the django-heroku clones, Djangy, Gondor and Djangy is no more. Gondor is nice but lacking critical features (background jobs, caching... etc.), and generally seems like a sideshow to their consulting business. is ahead in features and quality so far. I have not tried DjangoZoom, as I was a little bit annoyed that they required me to pay for beeing in their beta test program.
Gondor has caching (has for a while) and background jobs will be available this week. Gondor is not a sideshow to the consulting; if anything, it's the other way around :-)
python apps are not officially supported by Heroku, Looks like python app support is added for Facebook Apps to run on Heroku? (
There are some nice pure-Python web servers though. To someone who knows more about Heroku's stack, if I replace “ runserver” with, say, CherryPy, would there be any Heroku-specific performance issues to consider?