I really want to get better at writing. It's something I never really placed attention to or focus on during college, and now I'm really regretting it. I now recognize it as an essential skill that's much more difficult than I initially thought.
I've been thinking of ways of helping my creative writing. Obviously practice makes you better, but I wish I could contact someone qualified with a good background who can really help look over and give me very helpful critiques.
I've started a blog as well to help motivate me and increase my online presence, but too be honest I'm extremely hesitant and embarrassed to post because I'm not content with the quality of my work, and I don't feel I have good subject matter to write on.
I wanted to ask the HN community if they had any tips, advice, perspectives, or resources that might be worth looking into. I also figured I wasn't the only one who could benefit from some assistance.