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How much value has been lost to inflation this year? Why is that acceptable but coding errors are not? I am not a crypto-currency enthusiast but I remember the Bitcoin whitepaper arguing against centralized currency. So it was critical of the Federal Reserve.

I think people should be allowed to choose. If they don't want regulation then fine.

I don't think that's how the western world works. If someone or something doesn't want regulation then we look the other way. Crypto became so big that we now have to protect investors that doesn't know what they're doing. Overall we have to reduce scams, increase trust and liability

> Why is that acceptable but coding errors are not?

People voted for and happily accepted the policies that created the inflation. Inflation is a consequence of Congress allocates trillions of dollars in spending that can only be funded by debt. Whether the Federal Reserve converting that debt into money is merely the only way the elected government can receive the money it desires without collapsing the economy.

I believe value is transferred to the government by inflation similar to a tax, not actually lost.

This depends on the cause of the inflation. If an asset loses value because it becomes less scarce then no value is lost. Inflation can happen for other reasons to.

Value != price

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