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To me the ideal alternative should be something that aggregates results from major search engines, like DDG already does with Bing and Startpage with Google, but applied to a lot more search engines, then takes the results returned from all of them and builds the results page uniq'ing them so that if link A appears in 3 search engines and link B in 1 and link C in 6, the result will be 3 different links anyway. That way, if one link is censored from one search engine, it could still be present in the list in a similar rank for being returned anyway by other search engines.

Sounds like the old metacrawler: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MetaCrawler

The problem is that the indexes (google, bing, yandex) won't let you freely aggregate them anymore. DDG is a client of Microsoft just like startpage is a client of google.

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