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> Nix does not have a formal specification: Nix is what its C/C++ implementation says.

Yep, and this causes a whole lot of issues. In tandem with evaluator development we are writing an initial language specification which will represent the language as it is used in nixpkgs. Our hope is that we can, in collaboration with the Nix developers, eventually find a fixed point between the two implementations here.

> It still comes packaged with Nix 2.3.16 instead of Nix 2.4 because of incompatibility

Yep, we're very aware - in fact we had some debate on IRC yesterday about whether or not to touch on this in the blog post, but felt that for the majority of people it's a bit too deep into "current Nix politics" (for lack of a better term).

This is why we have explicitly committed to nixpkgs support - many of the experimental features in Nix (some of which are causes for the new incompatibilities) are not actually used in nixpkgs, and they might have a long road to go before getting there. We believe that this gives us enough time to get to a synchronisation point.

> However, it's possible that the pain around slow evaluation runs so deep that other companies might adopt this too. I don't know enough here.

We'll see, on the corporate side of TVL (https://tvl.su) we've had some discussions with a variety of Nix-using companies and there are strong signals that some of our plans would be a big reason for them to switch (or possibly even just partially switch). We want to not worry about this too much this early, to be honest.

> The rewrite needs to offer more reason to shift

Yes, there are more things that will become relevant but felt like they were outside of the scope of this initial announcement. For example:

* Implementation will be in memory-safe languages (evaluator in Rust; we will see about things like the sandbox & builder - Go might fit that reasonably well). This is a big point for companies that are worried about running current Nix (which is fairly easy to segfault) on production machines as root.

* We do intend to have more language-related tooling (including various kinds of static analysis, like dead-code analysis or maybe even going as far as an Erlang-style success typing approach)

* Streaming evaluation: We want to yield derivations while evaluation is still ongoing, essentially turning a whole build process into a sort of graph reduction. This has a huge impact on our ability to implement better Nix-native CI, which is very relevant for TVL's ambitions around better monorepo tooling.

It is also worth noting that a bunch of TVL members are nixpkgs committers, and as we proceed we would like to clean up bits of nixpkgs that use features which only exist "by accident". (An example of such a feature, which fortunately is not used in nixpkgs now, is __findFile: https://cl.tvl.fyi/c/depot/+/1325).

I appreciate that it's kinda difficult to serialise all of our thinking here in a handful of comments and a blog post, so we might not get the full point across. That's okay for now. If you're interested in following along more closely and discussing some bits of this, you're welcome to join our IRC channel :)

> This is a big point for companies that are worried about running current Nix (which is fairly easy to segfault) on production machines as root.

Oh wow, wait till they find out what language the OS on their production machine is written in!

That is not a good argument. What matters to companies is: "is this stable enough not to be a concern", and according to GP Nix falls short on that front currently. They will not care how you achieve this --- C, a rigorous process and a world-class army of developers like the kernel is fine; Rust, a sloppier process, and less developers will be fine too. Heck, I'm not sure they'd care if you deliver stable and robust software using hand-written assembly, if not out of concerns for long-term support (and your mental health).

Point is that measuring stability and safety by counting the number of fashionable buzzwords is totally braindead.

That's not what anyone is doing though. You can run Nix with minor tweaks to e.g. its garbage collector settings[0] and you'll quickly see it crash in various ways. Memory safety is a real concern in programs, not a buzzword.

[0]: https://github.com/ivmai/bdwgc/blob/master/doc/README.enviro...

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