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Hey Tazjin, i see you are around that one.

Quick question. Can you expand on IFD and integrations? That is one thing i would love to know more about your plans.

Also i hope it works, the nox code base is imho the biggest impediment to the nix model being more used.

Small advise: please consider making it really easy to contribute to through wll the tooling. This is one of the reason Nix codebase rotted

> please consider making it really easy to contribute

Yes, that's one area where Guix shines in comparison to nix. They use an established language with its standard library (Guile lisp) making it very easy for people to contribute without learning arcane incantations.

I would love to see nix/Guix implemented in a statically-typed, high-level language like Rust.

I mean nix is in Cpp so uh... technically...

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