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My experience as a startup intern (matchfwd.com)
2 points by philgo20 on Aug 23, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Fascinating! As an intern at a large, established company who reads HN, I'd always wondered what it would be like to work in a startup.

Could you fix the "Connectors" image? The gray-on-darker-gray text is almost unreadable on my screen. I had to download it and boost the contrast before it was legible.

One questions for you: How established was the startup when you began working there? How old should a startup be to get the best internship experience?

I am not the intern myself, just posted it on his behalf. The startup was a few months old when he started. Both co-founders had years of development experience so I think we gave a pretty good internship experience. I don't think the age of the startup is as important as the people behind it to determine how much an internship will be valuable.


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