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>wouldn't it probably mean expanding the bureaucracy a lot too?

Not really. Like with most laws we rely on peoples willingness to follow them.

>But then, since most of them aren't agents of the foreign government

Those that take actions on behalf of a foreign government and have a connection to that government are by definition foreign agents.

>expense to decrease tax revenue.

What good is tax revenue without a stable government to spend it?

>Do you want people with dual US/Israeli citizenship to register under a revised FARA, or do you want them to choose between the two?

That's up to them. All I'm asking for is disclosure. Merely a disclaimer.

>problem if you want to target

I don't want to target anyone. I just want it disclosed if their actions are on behalf of a foreign power.

>Ostensibly, I think for security clearances, they already take dual citizenship into account.

If it is worth disclosing in that case I don't see the harm in having some more honesty generally.

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