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Rubinius and PyPy take quite different approaches to solving the same general problem. It's inaccurate to analogize them.

Rubinius specifies a bytecode (see http://rubini.us/doc/en/virtual-machine/instructions/) and implements a VM that executes this bytecode. The VM is written in C++. The main difference between Rubinius and other Ruby implementations is that nearly everything else is written in Ruby. The lexer, parser, and parts that compile the AST to bytecode is all written in pure Ruby. Further, large parts of the standard library and Ruby language that are implemented in lower-level languages in other implementations are instead written as runtime-level Ruby. However, large and important parts of the infrastructure (including GC and memory allocation) are written in C++.

PyPy takes an altogether different approach. It specifies a restricted subset of Python known as "RPython". Basically, it's statically-typed Python. There is also a "compiler" (also called a "JIT generator"), written in pure Python, that compiles an arbitrary interpreter written in RPython into a fast JIT. (See http://morepypy.blogspot.com/2011/04/tutorial-writing-interp... for an example of writing a very simple, small interpreter in RPython.) A cool feature of RPython is that while there must a statically RPython AST to compile, during the "eval" stage you can leverage the full dynamic capabilities of Python.

The second part of PyPy is a full Python interpreter written in RPython. Since RPython is a subset of Python, you can actually run this interpreter sandboxed inside any other Python implementation, albeit very slowly. The PyPy toolchain compiles this down to a very fast Python interpreter that features JIT compilation, among other cool features.

The neat part of PyPy (in contrast to Rubinius) is that the toolchain part is largely decoupled and generalized away from Python-the-language. Conceivably, one could write ANY language in RPython (or what's compiled down to RPython) and have a fast JIT interpreter. Experimental language features can be added and changed (see the source code for the different garbage collectors in PyPy) with little mucking with the low-level VM.

Rubinius is a neat, pragmatic project that could turn into one of the best Ruby implementations around. However, it's not breaking new ground like PyPy is.

> Rubinius and PyPy take quite different approaches to solving the same general problem.

> However, it's not breaking new ground like PyPy is.

I know about the differences. My response was to the parent post "if there is something like PyPy for Ruby".

Rubinius doesn't need to break new grounds, nor provide a toolset for implementing interpreters. All it needs to do is to provide a decent JIT with reasonable speed and low memory consumption, with the added benefit of large parts of it in Ruby, so that the contribution ecosystem is more active. That will be pretty much analogous(and all analogies, by definition, are inexact. Or else they won't be called ananlogy) to what PyPy is for Pythonistas.

This is a great overview about the two interpreters! However, I think you're being a bit inaccurate about how flexible the Rubinius VM is. It is certainly more than flexible enough to support a wide variety of non-Ruby languages.

The core Rubinius team bas been working towards a language-agnostic core, and toolchains for building your own language on top of the Rubinius VM. See http://rubini.us/2011/02/17/rubinius-what-s-next/#multi-lang... and http://rubini.us/2011/02/23/introduction-to-fancy/

There are already a good number of language projects that build upon it: http://rubini.us/projects/ Fancy is one of the more mature languages built on it (and it's self-hosted): https://github.com/bakkdoor/fancy. Note that Fancy was originally written as an interpreter in C++ - they ported it to the Rubinius VM at a later point.

There's even an (immature) Python that runs on top of it: https://github.com/vic/typhon.

This is a great overview about the two interpreters! However, I think you're being a bit inaccurate about how flexible the Rubinius VM is. It is certainly more than flexible enough to support a wide variety of non-Ruby languages.

The core Rubinius team bas been working towards a language-agnostic core, and toolchains for building your own language on top of the Rubinius VM. See http://rubini.us/2011/02/17/rubinius-what-s-next/#multi-lang... and http://rubini.us/2011/02/23/introduction-to-fancy/

There are already a good number of language projects that build upon it: http://rubini.us/projects/ Fancy is one of the more mature languages built on it (and it's self-hosted): https://github.com/bakkdoor/fancy. There's even an (immature) Python that runs on top of it: https://github.com/vic/typhon.

If I would want to speed up ruby I would probebly just implment a ruby interpreter with RPython. They could probebly get up to speed with pypy with much less work. The semantics of the two langauges are not that diffrent.

Rubinius's parser is C/++ code derived from the same Bison grammar as regular Ruby. That's not to say it couldn't be pure Ruby, but it isn't right now.

I stand corrected. Thanks.

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