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This. There's also Mnemosyne, SuperMemo, and others. More here: https://www.gwern.net/Spaced-repetition

I use Quizlet for exactly this (https://quizlet.com/). Works great. I paid for the "Plus" plan and am happy with it. (I can't recall if I needed the paid version or just wanted to support the project, but recall being pretty happy with the free version too).

Lots of great Flashcard apps out there. Definitely a great way to learn - especially things that fade quickly if not using them regularly (looking at you, Powershell ;-p ).

This site has many useful methods and lists its technicality in details. Thanks.

gwern is an amazing resource and has great articles on a range of topics, including productivity stuff; his posts on nicotine [1], modafinil [2], and melatonin [3] would be 3 highlights.

[1] https://www.gwern.net/Nicotine

[2] https://www.gwern.net/Modafinil

[3] https://www.gwern.net/Melatonin

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