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Without Microsoft software, Ransomware would not hardly exist. I think the “downhill” has been a huge cliff for the past few years, but it’s getting worse. Nothing drives Azure business better.

That's just survivorship bias. Ransomware attacks are very low-tech and mostly rely on social engineering. (Unless you think the average hospital IT department is going to use an open-source patient tracking program and recompile it from source to pull in the latest openssl patches...)

I mean I agree with your first two sentences but

> recompile it from source to pull in the latest openssl patches...

Why would they do this rather than rely on their upstream distributor to push an updated OpenSSL shared lib, and just apt-get/dnf install it?

... things have gone extremely backwards in this misguided modern rush to statically link everything so we can install it into a container.

People assume that if you just switch to Linux, you'll get world-class security no matter what you do. But, real-world use diminishes that significantly (non-technical users, IT teams who aren't command-line gurus, vendors who ship outdated patches, budgeting departments that won't approve expenses to move off out discontinued software, etc. Not to mention, Linux as a platform is battle-tested for server purposes only. Local exploits abound.

"Just use Linux" is easy to say, but I wonder, would it really improve things?

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