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Reading around the web, there are also a lot of complaints how buggy Mac OS is nowadays. Kinda obnoxious how the 2 companies are worth billions (or trillions?) but can't deliver polished software.

I assume people want features and eye candy over stability or performance? Or the companies think they do. But apple’s snow leopard was a tune up that was well received and effective. Maybe nobody likes doing hard work for boring stuff?

Damn code isn’t anywhere near as fast as it should be, either given the hardware advances (Wirth’s law).

That sounds to me like the sort of things users will say they want. But when they imagine an OS, they just sort of take stability for granted. Like, if I say, 'picture your favorite food, now what can you to do make it better?' you didn't start by picturing it burnt. You pictured it the way you liked it.

They're saying "what do you want out of an OS?" then putting that crap on a burnt OS. People assumed the OS wasn't burnt.

I think there's profit in delivering what people actually want, regardless of what they say they want.

Win 10 is nor stable nor performant. It does not crashes but is full of errors.

MacOS peaked at High Sierra, went downhill afterwards. Also it's HW.

Windows peaked at WinXP sp3.

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