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jatis have been endogymous for ~2000 years according to genetic studies. nowhere else on earth has this level of genetic segregation within a single region.

jatis yes, but not segregation, classification yes, not hierarchy on steroids until the british came in

Yeah right, every damn thing is because of someone else. Start taking responsibility for your actions.

Of course its a societal problem in India, but to root out caste, we have to understand where it came from first and then work together of making people equal. Whilst Christian missionaries from Britain keep coming into India exploiting caste to gain conversions which further creates divisions.

When we understand the reasons, we can address the problem.

yeah bro, dalits just really love cleaning waste

Of course its a societal problem in India, but to root out caste, we have to understand where it came from first and then work together of making people equal. Whilst Christian missionaries from Britain keep coming into India exploiting caste to gain conversions which further creates divisions.

When we understand the reasons, we can address the problems

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