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Can someone explain this chart to me? What does the position on the chart indicate? Slate is left leaning, but it is correctly marked in blue.

EDIT: from the paper "Our method locates newspapers into this two-dimensional media bias landscape based only on how frequently they use certain discriminative phrases, with no human input regarding what constitutes bias. The colors and sizes of the dots were predetermined by external assessments and thus in no way influenced by our data. The positions of the dots thus suggest that the two dimensions can be interpreted as the traditional left-right bias axis and establishment bias, respectively"

It’s a projection of the NLP’s vectors into 2D space. Remember the illustrations for the king - man = queen example for word embedding? They also often used a 2D space. You can sometimes, but rarely Intuit a sense for these dimensions, but they don’t come with any natural definition or unit.

I still don’t get it. Is the chart supposed to show axes in addition to the left/right and pro-establishment/critical, currently represented by colors and sizes? How do the “lack of human input” and “external assessments” fit into the explanation?

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