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The NSO Group is owned by Novalpina Capital, a British private Equity firm. It's not really accurate to call it "Israeli Spyware"

Can you stop posting this bait in every single thread about the NSO? It's really annoying that you repeatedly drag people into shallow semantic arguments for dumb (nationalistic?) reasons: https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=all&page=0&prefix=true&que...

What a disgusting accusation. This isn't "bait," it's a fact. And my reasons aren't "nationalistic" -- it's to be accurate.

Frankly, that is rich coming from you considering that you do this often enough that I have several of these specifically directed at you: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25492587. Posting flamebait and then editing it to make the people who respond to you look stupid is against the guidelines. Posting "corrections" or "gotchas" every time a topic comes up is not striving for accuracy, it's being purposefully misleading to violate the guidelines. I am sick of you pretending each time that you aren't seeing the many people who tell you you're wrong or that you should stop. Until now I had held out hope that you were going to stop at some point, especially considering your productive contributions elsewhere, but I think I've given up now.

Who owns Novalpina Capital ?

GuardianUK says:

"The Guardian reported this year that hundreds of thousands of euros of Yana Peel’s legal bills were expensed to the NSO Group by her husband – another move that apparently angered his partners.

Stephen Peel’s lawyers said at that time that the “manner” in which the legal fees were paid had been approved by Kowski and Lueken, and he strongly disputed the suggestion that the payment of the expense claims was a source of disagreement between the partners.

Peel, Lueken and Kowski are all now involved in a legal dispute over the future ownership of the firm they created."


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