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> Protecting yourself from an attack by a nation state level agency.

My personal data was hacked by a nation-state level agency. The only way I could’ve prevented that is by not working in a national security position for that country’s geopolitical rival.

Now the only thing I can reasonably do is avoid ever stepping foot in that country lest they detain me for “extra questioning.”

Sorry… sounds really rough.

Eh, thanks but don’t feel bad for me. There’s hundreds of other countries I can visit. I feel bad for the dissidents who are targeted within their own country and have no hope to leave.

And worse targeted abroad. Russia, China, Saudi. They all target, sometimes kill, sometimes abduct abroad. Even in the US... Scary.

Which country?

The OPM breach was attributed to China. My personal data was also disclosed in the breach and I’ve since traveled to China multiple times.


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