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>And it's possible technology such as this could reduce condom usage, and that's the disaster.

// It's also possible that it could prevent promiscuous sexual activity between people that wouldn't have used condoms and are infected.

I wonder if parking sensors increased the number of parking crashes because people stopped looking out of their windows when parking??? Anyone got stats on that?

Well that guy from Wired that test drove the self- driving car with the sensors actually did crash the car the first time he tried to use it to parallel park...

At any rate, the analogy is weak. Testing partners for HIV only makes sense if you're planning to be in a monogamous relationship with them, and ideally should be done 6 months after the start of a monogamous relationship.

You should use a condom with a girl you meet at a bar no matter what. An HIV test doesn't help you at all.

Thanks for the data point.

Interestingly when I first got a cycle helmet was the first time I banged my head whilst cycling, though it was a direct factor (didn't account for the helmet when ducking under a tree). Seatbelts apparently cause some to take more risks.

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